
Wednesday 14 July 2010

Summer top tips part 2!

Your body-
okay so there is pressure everywhere on women telling them they need to slim down, get a boob job and slap on fake tan...well you don't! as long as you are toned and feel confident in your body, or appear to, you will look great! CONFIDENCE is key and even if your not feeling it right to the bottom of your heart, it doesn't matter. just keep telling yourself to respect your body and it will come!

-start a fitness diary, write down what you are going to do each day and cross it off once it is done!
-try exercising every morning for 30 mins, BEFORE BREAKFAST, this speeds up your metabolism throughout the day but it doesn't mean you can eat more than normal and get away with it! work out for as long as you stretch for and stretch before and after. stretching tones parts of your body which is what you want.
excersize every part of your body and do this at least 30 mins every day but the longer the better.

-practice walking and being confident in every day life, which can just mean holding yourself more upright, looking happy and purposeful with everything you do, then when the clothes are off, it won't be so hard.

-get a bikini/swimsuit that suits your shape, there are millions of web pages and mags that will show what is best for you so check it out. always try it on before you get it but keep your underwear on!

-don't worry if the scales don't show that you have lost anything and if you have gained but it doesn't look like you have...muscle weighs more than fat! :D

-don't go on any crazy diets just eat a little less and more balanced, and you can also find out what that is by checking the internet for 'balanced diet plate'.

-if you are considering bulimia or anorexia, STOP right now. anorexia is a serious illness that affects the people around you as much a syourself. it puts you in an unstable mental state and is extremely unhealthy, the effects of it can ripple throughout your whole life so please consult a doctor or someone you trust if you are acting strangely towards food e.g. not eating potatoes because they think they'll make you really fat and ugly.

-bulimia is just as bad! it is quite unpleasant to make yourself sick after every meal and it fucks with your metabolism too. as a short fix i guess it's ok but as time goes by when you stop you will put on weight a lot easier because your body will immediatley store food as fat because it has got confused by getting food then having to get rid of it again.

-one more thing...if u walk on your tip toes at home then it tones your bum!

have a fab summer hols everyone,

kici <3

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